Stone Henge, England
This coming Sunday is the Summer Solstice. For three days, the day before, the day of, and the day after the Solstices, twice a year (once in June, once in December), the Sun "stands still", rising and setting at the same place on the horizon, before it resumes its southerly or northerly progression that creates the seasons.
For tens of thousands of years, in every region of the planet, people have gone to extraordinary lengths to mark and celebrate the Solstices. Great cultures have spent enormous time, effort and wealth on feats of engineering that appear to far outstrip their technological and mechanical advancement, to create stone henges, pyramids, earth mounds, complex cave labyrinths, temples, monoliths, and other massive structures oriented to the sunrises and sunsets on these days.
Our ancestors knew something that we have forgotten. They had a deep abiding knowledge that;
1. There is a great, divine, individualized consciousness living in
and as all things.
2. There is a powerful rhythm and flow to life and consciousness.
3. We cannot exist wholly, healthily, happily and successfully
without a connection to both of these.
In a time during which humans worldwide are experiencing epidemic levels of anxiety, depression, addiction and loneliness, this is quite relevant.
The Solstices are amazing doorways through which the aware, conscious presence of the Sun is magnified and channeled with great intensity. Yet learning to speak "the language of the Sun" is like studying any language, it takes time, patience and persistence. Because we have not been taught how to communicate with the Sun, we need to practice.
Like Mother Earth, the Sun has a real, appreciable "personality". Unlike the Earth, (from which our bodies are created and upon which we walk everyday) our ability to have a direct connection with the Sun's consciousness is more elusive.
Yet we are, in fact, as equally children of the Sun
as we are of the Earth,
for it is the Sun's energy that is the engine
for all life here on this planet.
This week, take time at sunrise and sunset to speak to the Sun and allow the Sun to speak to you. Try it especially if this does not resonate with you. If you are reading this thinking "Oh, that's really not for me", then you might want to reconsider, and do it anyway.
We can stay in our own, defined boxes of reality, or we can practice playing in multi-dimensional awareness. The latter provides many, many benefits.
Einstein said, No problem can ever be solved at the same level of consciousness that created it."
If we look at our lives, we will find many "problems," from the inconsequential to the seemingly monumental, that we would like to change. We need to elevate our consciousness to be able to create these changes. The fastest way to do this is to connect with levels of awareness far beyond our own through meditation, prayer, spiritual work and sacred teachings. The Sun is a massive spiritual presence that drives life, creation, abundance, growth and transformation. Each Solstice is an opportunity for us to reconnect with our Sun and to re-learn and remember what humans have actually known for millennia.
On the Solstices choose to engage in reality in a different way. Take time at sunrise and sunset, and throughout the day to connect with the Sun, Spirit to Spirit.
Take a step in developing a closer relationship with one of the driving Forces in your life.